Archaeological investigation on Lava Hillfort, Kirovsk distr. Len.obl., Russia

Lava Hillfort on the Russian-Sweden frontier is well known throw many documents of 17th c.
According to Valerij Petrenko's opinion it appeared on the place of Novgorod medieval Novgorod reinforced settling with the lays of 12-13 cc. Later, with 1500 and before the end of 16th c. - before the hillfort building a village existed on the place. Before forfeitures created by Ivan III it be-longed one of the most largest landowners of Ladoga district Fedor Pobeditsky. Petrenko's studies revealed the traces of tollgate XVII в. on Lava borough; is necessary to notice that frontier fortification system along the Russian-Swedish borders of 1617-1700  was clearly connected with the main transport pathways - all of these - Lava tollgate, Tesovo hillfort, Kostovo tollgate were clearly clinging to roads.
The negotiations between Moscow and Sweden commissars were hold in 1617 firstly on the bridge across the river, then on horses in the river valley.
In the 17th c. there was not a constant garrison, but alternately were on duty troops of cossacks and streltsers, most often from Ladoga.
During the excavations in August 2001 we studied a very small part of the settlement. All the achieved data belongs to 17th c. (only one fragment of probably more ancient ceramic was founded). Flint (a thing used in a gun), handle of a knife or an awl (founded outside the wall), bone disk, a part of a small bronze cross, bronze buckle (inside of the walls) were founded this year. But the system of fortification seems to be of Old Russian period.
In 2002 we continued studies on the place of Lava hillfort.

The wall of the hillfort was the main object of excavation. It is about 3 mteres heigh and was done in 2 times, probably first in late Old-Russian period, then in 17th c.

15 of August - The Archaeologists' Professional Day in Russia

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